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Birds of the Thames Path

By Luke Western

Working in partnership with

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I am thrilled to share that I have partnered with the Thames Path National Trail. As the National Trail's featured artist, I take immense pride in promoting and supporting their mission to conserve and uphold these extraordinary regions.


The trails are a true wonder, distinguished by the government and administered to a rigorous set of quality standards that differentiate them from other paths. Each trail bears the iconic acorn symbol and is overseen by a devoted officer, frequently with the assistance of volunteers.


By purchasing any of our items from the Birds of The Thames Path collection, you will be donating 20% of the profits to The National Trail, which will aid in preserving and safeguarding these vital areas.


By supporting our cause, you will not only be acquiring a stunning piece of art but also contributing to the conservation of the environment and the community.


If you experience any issues please contact Luke on 07891 530393 or

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